Choshi Local Leaders School 2023, co-organized by Mitsubishi Corporation Offshore Wind and Inter Local Partners, was started on July 29.
The first term was held in 2021, and this is the second term of the program that aims to foster next-generation local leaders who will lead the community. The venue this time, Choshi Good Beer Café, is a brewery run by graduates of the first term of the school. Participants of this school will be able to take on greater challenges within the local community by learning about the forward-looking business models from professionals in various fields and by creating a community of local leaders across industries and age groups through shared experiences, which is what this school is intended for.
In the first session, Mr. Furuta, representative of umari, a company involved in regional rebranding as in "Morning University of Marunouchi," gave a lecture on the "business concept" that is attractive to people, followed by a discussion by all the participants including Mr. Yamamoto, representative of Inter Local Partners. The school plans to hold 6 sessions by January 2024, and we hope to encourage the challenges by the participants who want to make Choshi a much more attractive place.